6 PICS PIC IT /the-ideas/JHagar12/the-inca-city-of-machu-picchu/

The Inca City of Machu Picchu

A ravishing kingdom of ancient land where elegance lies in a delicate structure. The velvity mountain tops and youthful meadows can fascinate in imagination.

The Inca trails stun because of their exotic vegetation, rare species of animals, and unforgettable views.The lush cloudforest takes you down the path to Machu Picchu. The brittle ancient city calls to mind Incan people and their past. Dating back to the 13th century, discovering new parts of these lands would be a hard experience to dismiss from any mind; beauty clutches minds and doesn't let go. Traveling to Machu Picchu would be an adventure, that touch my photography. Forever.

Rank: 101 | /the-ideas/JHagar12/the-inca-city-of-machu-picchu/ Report Abuse Report Abuse



I like your idea!

I voted for you, will you vote for me? Let's do this and see how it turns out. Let's help each other!

Good luck!

/the-ideas/JHagar12/the-inca-city-of-machu-picchu/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


Sounds like a great idea! Machu Picchu is such a beautiful place.

I voted for you. Take a look at my idea and return the favor if you think it's worthy.


/the-ideas/JHagar12/the-inca-city-of-machu-picchu/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


Not to disappoint you buddy, but the Ince Trail is one of the most overated tourist attractions. You have to remember that the Inca Trail is one of the most visited tourist attractions in South America, thus you will find yourself surrounded by hundreds of people all the way to the top!

/the-ideas/JHagar12/the-inca-city-of-machu-picchu/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


I think you might be able to put a new twist on it Great Idea.You have my vote please go and vote for me.

/the-ideas/JHagar12/the-inca-city-of-machu-picchu/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


I really like your idea! Good luck! If you get a chance, visit my idea and pic it if you like it :) http://www.nameyourdreamassignment.com/the-ideas/srebeccan/children-of-redemption/

/the-ideas/JHagar12/the-inca-city-of-machu-picchu/ Report Abuse Report Abuse

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