4 PICS PIC IT /the-ideas/becthomasphotography/melting-ice--/

Melting Ice

My dream assignment is to travel to the Arctic Circle and the Antarctic to capture images of the changing ice and how that affects people, wildlife and the landscape.

I want to capture images that can bring the reality of climate change to the general populous; to illustrate how the rapid ice melt will affect their lives. The Arctic Circle and Antarctic are some of the last true frontiers left on our world; they largely go ignored by people living their everyday lives even though the melting ice has the potential to change those very lives forever whether for the good or bad. For people to take the threat seriously it needs to be brought to them and photography gives us a unique opportunity to do just that.

I would like to present these images not only in a gallery show but also in publications that everyday people look at. I want to bring conversations of the ice melts from the abstract level to a micro family level so that people will start to take it more seriously and demand real world wide solutions to this ever pressing problem.

I often capture images of inclimate weather to remind people how much the natural world affects ordinary living; though my dream is to take that even further. My dream is to take an abstract bit of news and make it real for as many people as possible.

Rank: 99 | /the-ideas/becthomasphotography/melting-ice--/ Report Abuse Report Abuse




This is a fantastic idea and I hope you get either a grant or a paid assignment to accomplish this worthy endeavor.


/the-ideas/becthomasphotography/melting-ice--/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


Definately a worthy endeavor! I wish you luck!

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