4 PICS PIC IT /the-ideas/druids/worlds-celebrated-festival/

World's Celebrated Festival

I grew up in a country where festivities or fiesta is a whole year round celebration, would like to do an assignment that will depict the different festival celebration in the world...

If I not the world at least 5 of the world's great cities or countries' festival or fiesta celebrations. Faces in such occasion is one of the most wonderful to capture, tradition and the cultural value of such celebration.

Rank: 117 | /the-ideas/druids/worlds-celebrated-festival/ Report Abuse Report Abuse



I like your idea!

I voted for you; will you vote for me? Let's do this and see how it turns out. Let's help each other!

Good luck!

/the-ideas/druids/worlds-celebrated-festival/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


This is interesting! Where did you grow up druids? Sounds like a really awesome place =D don't forget to pick yourself!

/the-ideas/druids/worlds-celebrated-festival/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


Good luck, you got my vote.

/the-ideas/druids/worlds-celebrated-festival/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


I grow in the Philippines where in Fiesta or festival celebration is a whole you activities in the country.

/the-ideas/druids/worlds-celebrated-festival/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


@dirty little city thanks for the vote...

/the-ideas/druids/worlds-celebrated-festival/ Report Abuse Report Abuse

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