4 PICS PIC IT /the-ideas/mcolemanphoto/bringing-buildings-back-to-life-housing-dreams-new-hope-for-america/

Bringing Buildings Back to Life & Housing Dreams & New Hope for America

A photographic journey of innovation, restoration, and hope. I want to travel America and photograph people renovating abandoned buildings, warehouses, and factories and transforming them into new businesses, housing, and community centers.

What could be a more "green" endeavor than to take existing building structures and recycle them into new and adaptive uses?

Every town in America has them- abandoned buildings, warehouses, and old factories that once housed thriving businesses. They lay dormant, slowly dilapidating, and creating eye sores in once beautiful cities and small towns. Not to mention, these abandoned structures also cause energy and environmental concerns. Often times these buildings have a lot of character and charm as well, which are qualities we value more and more in present times. There are a lot of positive reasons to renovate them!

I want to travel across the country exploring the different ways that people are taking old buildings and making them new again. Not only to document this important trend for history sake, but to also inspire the movement further among America's dreamers and innovators!

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I think that this is a great idea!! Can't wait to see the photo's

/the-ideas/mcolemanphoto/bringing-buildings-back-to-life-housing-dreams-new-hope-for-america/ Report Abuse Report Abuse

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