7 PICS PIC IT /the-ideas/boonespie/a-dream-of-escape-from-my-gray-government-cube-with-not-even-a-window-to-daydream-out-of/

A dream of escape from my gray government cube with not even a window to daydream out of.

In my windowless daydream I tango in Argentina, walk the Silk Road in China, watch the sunrise on the Atlas Mountains, Ride a horse in Monument Valley just like John Wayne. All with my camera in hand.

My dream is to experience and photograph all those things I once believed I'd do when I "grew up" but never got around to do because "life" got in the way. Maybe its kind of a bucket list or things to see before you die kind of thing. No, it's "Calgon take my away!" From my job and my average day to day life as a government drone. I want to set out w/my camera in hand and travel around the world and photograph each new day as it comes and each adventure as it presents itself. Something new each day whether it be like I said before a cafe in Paris, sunrise on the Atlas mountains. I guess to best state what I want to do is to fulfill my childhood dream of being a freelance photographer shooting life as it happens not just people or nature but both congruently in order to tell the story of a dream come true.

Rank: 205 | /the-ideas/boonespie/a-dream-of-escape-from-my-gray-government-cube-with-not-even-a-window-to-daydream-out-of/ Report Abuse Report Abuse



you will escape and you will realize your dreams maybe with a little help from a someone who loves you ( and has a ringtail)

/the-ideas/boonespie/a-dream-of-escape-from-my-gray-government-cube-with-not-even-a-window-to-daydream-out-of/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


I like your idea. I have felt the same thing sitting behind a desk, day after day. I voted for you, check out mine and vote for it or leave a comment if you like. good luck!

/the-ideas/boonespie/a-dream-of-escape-from-my-gray-government-cube-with-not-even-a-window-to-daydream-out-of/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


so....go do it...on ur next holiday break! and enjoy it...!

/the-ideas/boonespie/a-dream-of-escape-from-my-gray-government-cube-with-not-even-a-window-to-daydream-out-of/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


Whether you win this or not, I hope you get to fulfill your dreams. Take them one at a time and plan for them. Good luck. I voted for your dream. Make it happen!

/the-ideas/boonespie/a-dream-of-escape-from-my-gray-government-cube-with-not-even-a-window-to-daydream-out-of/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


Grey cubes suck. Especially government ones in Santa Ana:(

/the-ideas/boonespie/a-dream-of-escape-from-my-gray-government-cube-with-not-even-a-window-to-daydream-out-of/ Report Abuse Report Abuse

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