Ideas by Delmi Alvarez

11 PICS PIC IT /the-ideas/delmi/save-the-arctic-are-ian-berrymagnum-photos-delmi-alvarezglobal-assignment-getty-images/

Save the Arctic are: Ian Berry/Magnum Photos, Delmi Alvarez/Global Assignment-Getty Images

Thousands of people are living in the Arctic next to be lost their cultures under the threat of Climate Global change. want to be used as document of climate change in the environment of the Arctic to protect the lifes of indigenous tribes. More...

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2 PICS PIC IT /the-ideas/delmi/latinos-in-the-usa-la-gran-diaspora-americana/

Latinos in the USA: la Gran Diáspora Americana

Miles de hispano-latinos viven en los EE.UU. de América. Con este proyecto de fotografía documentalista se le rinde tributo a la diáspora de latinos que cruzan la frontera para buscar una vida mejor. More...

By: delmi | comments 1 comments | /the-ideas/delmi/latinos-in-the-usa-la-gran-diaspora-americana/ Report Abuse Report Abuse